About Me

Why Blue Rose?

blue rose

Lisa is a devoted wayshower and lightworker of The Order of the Blue Rose that holds the Love Frequency of the Truly Awakened Heart. This unique vibration is of Creation God, Pure Love Alchemy and connected to Divine Femininity and Christ Consciousness shown in Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene as they carried forth these teachings of The Way.

The Order of the Blue Rose arises from the Pure Love Way of the Holy Family’s message bringing forth purity of Christ Consciousness, not by reciting learned teachings but through their embodiment, truly anchored frequencies within their being and live as the Heart 💙 of benevolent Spirit Love on Earth. The teachings of the Blue Rose encompass a process of becoming Fully Human through the Embodiment of One’s True Nature, a spiritual alignment that occurs within the Heart. In this oneness, the energies of love and wholeness through the Heart connection of Divine Love expand and are able to turn hearts to love, good and God.

Lisa Bhakti Watts Overcash

Lisa Overcash

Lisa is a Divine Feminine Spiritual Oracle and Channeler of the Light, intuitive healer, holistic health mentor and teacher, Regenerative Detoxification Specialist, Thai reflexologist, author, mother of four and Grandmother.

Lisa has always been a spiritual person and believes she received Divine Guidance from Creation God in her own healing of multiple sclerosis, other physical and emotional problems as well as in connecting to her true soul-self spirit. Knowing this clarity led her to embrace her true authentic self, she embodies a passionate mission to share her spiritual gifts with others.

Lisa’s work spans wellness, yoga, exercise, dance, meditation, mindfulness, wellness coaching, spiritual guidance, Thai yoga bodywork, Thai reflexology, postpartum doula, death doula, recreation therapy – inpatient and outpatient psychological and physical rehabilitation, psychiatry, chronic pain, chemical dependency and eating disorders. She holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Recreation Resource Management from North Carolina State University and a Master of Science Degree in Recreation Therapy from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Lisa has multiple certifications in the field of Healing Arts and Sciences.

From Lisa

I am an empowered intuitive empath. I am a highly sensitive person. I feel and align with other people’s energy, emotions and physical symptoms. I experience the world through my intuition and a felt sense of energy from people and situations.

As a child, I had many imaginary friends as they were called, but I always knew they were my spirit friends and helpers. Early on I displayed a unique fascination with the concept of Creator God of wonders of heaven, earth and beyond our galaxy, benevolent Angels and the Spiritual Realm.

My innate spiritual gifts are natural from birth and I have been called to dedicate them to serve and heal:

Claircognizance ~ direct inner knowing

Clairsentience ~ receive messages through emotions

Clairaudience ~ ability to hear voices & sounds

Clairvoyance ~ ability to see visions, scenes, images & symbols

Clairtangency ~ clear touch

Clairalience ~ clear smelling

Clairgustance ~ clear tasting

Apophenia – Intuition, intellect, curiosity fluidity; magical thinking that leads to a distinguishable pattern between random things like objects, ideas, actions, processes & situations and then interpreting the meaning.

I am a strong believer of God and and the Angels. I invite and welcome in the healing power of God of love and light for Divine Assistance to guide me to meet the healing needs of the dear one in front of me. The joy of my heart is for people to be healed and experience the benefits. I’m here to serve you and humanity with love, joy, peace, hope and compassion. It is a privilege and an honor to guide and serve people. All glory is given to God.

I am a contemplative that thinks deeply in a calm, quiet, thoughtful, reflective, introspective way who savors the scent of the Divine in all things. A magical mystic who loves silence, centering prayer, love and peace chanting and the teachings of oneness with God. Being spiritually fluid and following my spiritual heart has been a source of great joy for me. I pray to God, Mother Divine, Master Jeshua and use ancestral lineage methods of healing including crystals and plant medicine. I connect with Mother Earth and meditate frequently, especially in nature.

I have been observing, listening and studying the spiritual world along with the healing arts and sciences my whole life. My spiritual studies have led me to devote my life’s work to supporting others to live a soul-led joyful life. I’m here as a lady of the light 🌟 to help raise individual and collective consciousness and frequency. I lead by example with true sensitivity and heart. I operate from a fullness of an open heart of love with an innate motherly nurturing quality.

We are human and doing the best we can, sometimes we get stuck or blocked in life and need assistance and that is okay. The first step in healing is recognizing and accepting that you need help and then seeking to find that help that God is calling you to explore.

My emotional intuitive soul craves fluidity of smooth elegance and grace. For me that is spiritual oneness dancing to the rhythm of life with harmony, unity and supreme skill. The rhythm of fluidity is like music’s rhythm carrying you away into the depths of an ever flowing seamless dream of effortless flow of life. I am called to live a life of God leading my soul to embody freedom in every part of my being and shine this into the world and into the lives of others. I am to be always in ALL WAYS, fluidity in a higher frequency energetic vibration in mind, body and spirit in a harmonic dance of life.

With much love, joy, peace, hope & compassion,

“My Fur-ever Family” Book

I serve my community in hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, schools and churches as a Therapy Dog team with my Golden Retriever, River. He is also my Service Dog. He helps me navigate the multiple sclerosis symptoms, especially balance, anxiety and fatigue.

My first official Therapy Dog was a Yorkshire Terrier, Promise. She was also my Emotional Support Dog. This little Yorkie helped me by sharing her unconditional love and loyalty during the tough out-of-my-control challenges and was the inspiration that sparked the children’s book, “My Fur-ever Family.”

This book is narrated from the puppy’s voice. The puppy describes what occurred the day she was adopted into her fur-ever family. This true story explains the adventures that the puppy goes through and what she observes around her.

The puppy longs to be loved and given a special name. The book is filled with unconditional love, fun, family and faith. It has applications for adoption of the two-legged kind as well as the four-legged kind. When I do signings I include my signature and the actual paw print signature of the dog.

Water Your Own Plant First

“YOU” = self-love, self-care & self-appreciation